Best Skin Tightening Treatments After Weight Loss
Rejuvenate your skin with Cryo T-Shock Toning, Tissue Stimulation and Definition
As we grow older, our skin can gradually become more loose and flaccid. When skin begins to feel thin as paper, or like crepe, the most common cause isn’t age. Unlike wrinkles around the eyes and mouth (that result from repeated muscle movements), crepey skin typically can be traced to sun damage. Over time, exposure to the sun breaks down elastin, the fibers in your skin that allow it to stretch and return to its normal position. Those fibers can heal, but they eventually lose their ability to repair completely after repeated exposure over time.
The Cryo T-Shock toning procedure focuses on tightening and renewing loose, crepey skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production resulting in a smoother, more youthful looking appearance. The procedure improves the overall condition of the skin by increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells, boosts metabolic functions and flushes away toxins naturally.
Tissue Stimulation
Carrying extra weight for an extended period can damage collagen and elastin skin fibers, making your skin less pliable and loose when you lose weight. Sagging skin often occurs with rapid weight loss, such as after bariatric surgery. These dramatic interventions may result in large amounts of drooping skin hanging on the body. Since youthful skin bounces back readily, the age during weight loss plays a role in the amount of loose skin end up with. Skin laxity is a typical post-pregnancy result, as women work to lose their baby weight.
The Cryo T-Shock tissue stimulation procedure focuses on tightening and renewing loose skin after weight loss with a good underlying muscle tissue by delivering various combinations of warm and cold (not freezing) thermal shock ranges that have proven to significantly improve skin elasticity and reduce overall signs of aging.
Cryo T-Shock definition procedure is used following a series of toning sessions as a finishing touch. It can also be used by fitness competitors, models or anyone with minimal fat to accentuate muscle tone.
Tighten and tone loose, crepey skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production resulting in a smoother, more youthful looking appearance. Improve the overall condition of the skin by increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells. Boost metabolic functions and flush away toxins naturally. Treatments can be performed on the arms, back, hips, thighs, stomach, neck and chin. Please allocate 60-75 minutes for your session and allow 3 days in between sessions.
60-75 min. $290.00 Book appointment
Diminish wrinkles in minutes! 8-10 sessions are necessary. This treatment will only be performed in conjunction with any other cosmetic procedures that are not add-ons.
30-45 min. $149.00 Book appointment
All skin rejuvenation treatments should be preformed a minimum of 5 treatments in a cluster of every 2 to 3 days nonstop. If you preform skin rejuvenation treatments once a week, desired results will not be achieved.
Once desired results are achieved, twice a month maintenance schedule is recommended.
You will see visible results as soon as after third treatment. Results have lasted from several months to years. This depends on the procedure. Skin toning/tightening require a maintenance schedule for results to last.